Pat Pearce Carnival

This Inter-Association carnival between NEJTA (North Eastern Junior Tennis Association), NSJTA (North Suburban Junior Tennis Association), ERT (Eastern Region Tennis), and Waverley Tennis is held each year. Associations take turns in hosting the carnival. This event is played by boys and girls of two age groups: 15 & under and 13 & under.

The Mrs Pat Pearce Memorial Shield commenced in 1954 and a new format was introduced in 1989. The 66th year of the event was played in 2022.


  • Wally Freeman Award is given to the Best and Fairest Player in the Carnival.
  • Pat Semmens/Angelo Cianchi Award is for the Best and Fairest Player in the opposite age group to the Wally Freeman winner.
  • Best 13&U Girl and Boy and Best 15&U Girl and Boy

(Please note that the Carnival was not held in both 2020 and 2021 because of COVID-19.)

Click on the year to open the content.

2024 Pat Pearce Event for 13 & U and 15 & U hosted by NSJTA at Hume Tennis Centre on Friday 4, Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 October.

Our Waverley team was -

Boys 15s - Alex Boeve, Thomas George, Darcy Stephenson,Jovan Celic

Girls 15s - Coco Philp, Samantha Morales, Diahna Srikanth, Teodora Delic

Team Manager for 15s - Carla Morales

Boys 13s - Bryn Baik, Noah Keltie, Arham Tariq, Jaden Zhou

Girls 13s - Anna Banson, Melissa Fitzgerald, Lulu Philp, Sezen Yildirim

Team Manager for 13s - Lisa D’Amelio

Best 13 & Under Girl Award - Lulu Philp

The Event was won by North Suburban with Waverley Tennis Runner-up.

Special thanks to Carla Morales and Lisa D’Amelio who acted as Team Managers for the Event.   

Thank you to the players and families who travelled to Hume for the 3 day Event.

Results can be found on the Tennis Australia Match Centre website.

Special thanks to Tyler Krumholz from Tennis Victoria for arranging for the results of this Event to be republished due to processing errors at the time of the Event.  These results should now show on each player’s individual UTR profile.

Lyn Gillen
0412 567 496

The 67th  Pat Pearce Memorial Shield was hosted by Eastern Region Tennis on Friday 29th September and Saturday 30 September 2023.   It used to be a 3 day event but this year the event clashed with the Tennis Victoria AJP on the Sunday 1 October and hence our event was reduced to 2 days having to dispense with the mixed doubles to fit everything into the remaining 2 days.  Venues for Friday were Ringwood Central for the 15s and Mooroolbark Heights for the 13s.  Saturday both age groups were at Ringwood Central.

Competing teams were from Eastern Region, North Suburban Juniors, North Eastern Juniors and Waverley Tennis in the 13 and under and 15 and under age groups.

13 Boys - Ben D’Costa, Jack Keown, Jovan Celic, Zac Waterston
13 Girls - Isabella Cameron, Victoria Shi, Diahna Srikanth, Gemma Pearson
Team Manager of 13s - Lyn Gillen

15 Boys - Christian Jelic (injured during event), Nathan Rato, Raymond Zhao,  Eric Xiao Chen, Arian Bagaric (replacement player)
15 Girls - Sophia Brooks-Gay, Coco Philp, Samantha Morales, Teodora Delic
Team Manager of 15s - Carla Morales

Overall Results -
1st - Eastern Region
2nd - Waverley Tennis
3rd - North Eastern
4th - North Suburban

Winner of the Wally Freeman Award for the Best Overall player went to Samantha Morales (Waverley)

Best 13 & under player -Jack Keown (Waverley Tennis)     

Lyn Gillen
0412 567 496

2022 Pat Pearce WDTA teamThe 66th Pat Pearce Carnival was hosted by Waverley Tennis at Doveton from Friday 30 September to Sunday 2 October, 2022. Teams from ERT, NSJTA, NEJTA and Waverley competed. Weather was lovely.

On Tuesday 20 September Evan White from NEJTA rang me to advise that his association was unable to field a team due to lots of factors and they would be withdrawing. I said I would contact Craig James to see if Bayside could help them fill their gaps which they did. Prior to and during the event NEJTA had only 3/8 girls left in their team. Bayside helped again with 2 players, NSJTA with 2, ERT with one. In the boys 1 x 15 and under boy from Shepparton was injured on day one and was replaced with a Waverley boy. We had to dispense with the age criteria as we just needed bodies on court. One of their boys also came from Bayside. I called them the ALL STARS team. They all got on well and enjoyed the experience.

ERT had 2 change of orders in singles before the event.

NSJTA had a change of order in the 15 girls. Also injury in boys 15s which created changes of order even shifting from 13s to 15s plus a new player on Sunday to replace an injured boy in the 13s.

Waverley - there were no changes. They must have been scared of me and turned up each day with no replacements required - thank goodness


  1. Waverley won the Event winning all 3 matches, 59 rubbers, 108 sets, 848 games - lots of match tiebreaks and good results in the mixed to get over the line on Sunday against NEJTA.
  2. North Suburban - 2 matches, 56 rubbers, 112 sets, 872 games
  3. ERT - 1 match, 40 rubbers, 81 sets, 735 games
  4. NEJTA - 0 matches, 37 rubbers, 83 sets, 745 games


13 & under girls - Vaishnavi Xiao (ERT)

13 & under boys - Alex Boeve (NEJTA - Bayside)

15 & under girls - Mia Kuribayashi (ERT)

15 & under boys - Aerone Wolfgang Tabotaba (NSJTA)

2022 Pat Pearce - Goran Girski - Winner Wally Freeman Perpetual TrophyBest Player Award - Wally Freeman Perpetual Trophy - Goran Girski (Waverley)

Pat Semmens-Angelo Cianchi Perpetual Trophy - Maggie Fitcher (NSJTA)

Special Thank you to Mark, Del, Trevor, Peter, Janice & David, Jan Aitken & family (canteen helpers) plus Graeme doing Records & trying to keep up with all those changes of players!!!! We couldn’t have done it without everyone’s help.

Back:  Lyn Gillen (Manager), Kate Smith, Tawananyasha Manzvera, Prisha Baliga, Mineth Nawarathna, Emma Frerker, Joshua Huang, Pratisha Selvaraj (Manager)
Front:  Steven Klasan, Zara Lumanovski, Nithesa Selvaraj, Nenyasha Manzevera, Leona Doan, Aedan Nelson

The 65th Mrs Pat Pearce Carnival was held at Boroondara Tennis Centre on 13 & 14 July 2019.

Congratulations to our players for winning the carnival! Waverley Tennis was announced as winner of the event in 2019 making it 5 wins in a row. An outstanding achievement. It is Waverley Tennis' turn to host this event in 2020.

Team Managers Lyn Gillen & Prathisa Selvaraj.

Read more about this year's event on theTennis Victoria website.

Girls 15 & UnderBoys 15 & UnderGirls 13 & UnderBoys 13 & Under
Prisha BaligaMineth NawarathnaNithesa SelvarajAedan Nelson
Leona DoanTawananyasha ManzveraZara LumanovskiNenyasha Manzvera
Emma FrerkerJoshua HuangKate SmithSteven Klasan

Award Winners

Pat Semmens/Angelo Cianchi Award:  Nenyasha Manzvera

13 & U Girl:  Nithesa Selvaraj

15 & U Girl:  Prisha Baliga

15 & U BoyMineth Nawarathna

Back:  Sienna Opray, Aarmaya Chandran, Julia Kendall, Neel Mohan, Mineth Nawarathna, Benjamin Krnic, Nathanael Haryanto, Alvin Li, Nithesa Selvaraj
Front: Elicia Kim, Alexis Stergiopoulos, Joanna Wietrzyk, Sam Kim, Leona Doan, Aryan Mohan, Samuel Johnston

Girls 15 & UnderBoys 15 & UnderGirls 13 & UnderBoys 13 & Under
Joanna WietrzykNeel MohanNithesa SelvarajNathanael Haryanto
Leona DoanSam KimElicia KimAlvin Li
Julia KendallBenjamin KrnicAlexis StergiopoulosSamuel Johnston
Aarmaya ChandranMineth Nawarathna Sienna Opray Aryan Mohan 

Award Winner

Pat Semmens/Angelo Cianchi Award: Nathanael Haryanto

Girls 15 & UnderBoys 15 & UnderGirls 13 & UnderBoys 13 & Under
Tallie CollinsNeel MohanAarmaya ChandranSam Kim
Chiara AntonacciNik JovicLeona DoanCameron Linn
Joanna WietrzykTristan LaiEmma FrerkerBenjamin Krnic
Eliza DoanJosum SullivanNithesa SelvarajJoshua Huang

Award Winners

Wally Freeman Award:  Tallie Collins

13 & U Boy:  Sam Kim

15 & U Boy:  Neel Mohan

Back: Lyn Gillen (Manager)   Angus Roberts   Cassidy Denny   Tallie Collins  Tobias Wietrzyk  Hasan Bekir  Joanna Wietrzyk  Adam Vermeer  Aditya Ajit
Front:  Aarmaya Chandran   Mineth Nawarathna  Celina Yang   Marko Pavicic   Zena Makantasis   Eliza Doan   Sam Kim   Lucia Placidi

Girls 15 & UnderBoys 15 & UnderGirls 13 & UnderBoys 13 & Under
Tallie CollinsAditya AjitAarmaya ChandranSam Kim
Cassidy DennyHasan BekirEliza DoanMineth Nawarathna
Lucia PlacidiAngus RobertsZena MakantasisMarko Pavicic
Joanna WietrzykTobias WietrzykCelina YangAdam Vermeer

Award Winners

Wally Freeman Award:  Tobias Wietrzyk

13 & U Girl:  Eliza Doan

Celina Yang, Alice Kafer, Sarah Craig, Jade Cunningham, Isabelle Papazyan, Joanna Wietrzyk, Tallie Collins, Liam Louzado, Chiara Antonacci, Louis Pockett, Andrew Ilett, Aditya Ajit, Jordan Batis, Hasan Bekir
Front: Max Flaherty, Tobias Wietrzyk

Girls 15 & UnderBoys 15 & UnderGirls 13 & UnderBoys 13 & Under
Jade CunninghamLiam LouzadoTallie CollinsMax Flaherty
Alice KaferTobias WietrzykIsabelle PapazyanAndrew Ilett
Chiara AntonacciLouis PockettJoanna WietrzykAditya Ajit
Sarah CraigHasan BekirCelina Yang Jordan Batis

Award Winners

Pat Semmens/Angelo Cianchi Award:  Max Flaherty

13 & U Girl:  Isabelle Papazyan

15 & U Boy:  Liam Louzado

2014 - the event was hosted by NSJTA and held at Royal Park

The carnival was won by North Suburban, 2nd North Eastern, 3rd Waverley and 4th Eastern Region

Our team competed well and had a great team spirit. The Waverley team :-

15 & under:       Cassidy Denny, Melanie Kempson, Bianca Jones, Belle Thompson, Jordan Arazi, Lawrence Barbuto, Nicholas Gourgoulis, Liam Louzado

13 & under:       Chiara Antonacci, Tallie Collins, Liana Rhodes, Zoey Tan, Elvin Dolic, Max Flaherty, Nicholas Smith, Tobias Wietrzyk

Award Winners

Best 13 & under Boy: Max Flaherty

Best 15 & under Boy: Liam Louzado

Audrey Teo, winner of Pat Semmens/Angelo Cianchi Award

2012 Pat Pearce team photo

Back Row:  Jovana Stanisic  Nicholas Gourgoulis  Audrey Teo  Joshua Hocking Priscilla Dawson  Klemens Haberberger  Annabel Jaskiewicz  Matthew Cook Akanksha Puli  Belle Thompson  Yianni Papadimittiou
Middle Row:  Alison Leydin (Team Manager)  Gabriela Sprague  Rachel Lee  Lachlan Bridgland  Aaden Hughes  Melanie Woodward  Nathan Hilbig  Ron Van Semmel (Team Manager)
Front Row:  Natasha Van Semmel  Chris Rumble  Khai Shien Um

Waverley Tennis finished second.

Award Winners

15 & U Girl:  Audrey Teo

Back:  Darrin Lim   Belle Thompson   Todd Aleksic  Kelly Martin   Priscilla Dawson   Natasha Van Bemmel
Centre:  Omar Fields   Rachel Lee   Klemens Haberberger  Jaide Collins   Daniel Nguyen   Emma Leech   Jayde Viccars   Matthew Cook
Front:  Graeme Gillen (Manager)   Christopher Wickenton   Melanie Woodward   Alex Van de Steenoven   Lyn Gillen (Manager)   Nathan Ponton   Cassie Bengough   Ryan Draffin   Alison Leydin (Manager)

Girls 15 & UnderBoys 15 & UnderGirls 13 & UnderBoys 13 & Under
Jayde ViccarsRyan DraffinMelanie WoodwardKlemens Haberberger
Jaide CollinsNathan PontonEmma LeechTodd Aleksic
Cassie BengoughOmar FieldsKelly MartinDaniel Nguyen
Rachel LeeAlex Van de SteenovenBelle ThompsonMatthew Cook
Priscilla DawsonChristopher Wickenton Natasha Van BemmelDarren Lim

Award Winners

13 & U Boy:  Matthew Cook

15 & U Boy:  Ryan Draffin

Waverley Tennis finished second.

Award Winners

13 & U Girl:  Melanie Woodward (below)

2010 Pat Pearce 13 & U winner - Melanie Woodward

15 & U Girl:  Jayde Viccars (2 photos below)

2010 Pat Pearce 15 & U - Jayde Viccars


2010 Pat Pearce 15 & U - Jayde Viccars 2

Back: Joshua Tran (Wally Freeman Award winner), George Mitsas, Ben Jones, Stephanie Raux,  Nathan Ponton, Ryan Draffin,  Fedja Bilic, Will Ma, Robert Hilbig, Alana Parnaby, Annabelle Andrinopoulos (Pat Semmens/Angelo Cianchi winner), Madeline Skaras
Front: Taylor Petrucci, Aaron Addison, Elizabeth Kalyvas, Stacey Ponton, Jayde Viccars, Anna Li, Noelleda Ah San
Absent: Stephanie Hughes

Girls 15 & UnderBoys 15 & UnderGirls 13 & UnderBoys 13 & Under
Stephanie HughesRobert HilbigNoelleda Ah SanAaron Addison
Elizabeth KalyvasBenjamin JonesAnnabelle AndrinopoulosFedja Bilic
Alana ParnabyGeorge MitsasAnna LiRyan Draffin
Stacey PontonTaylor PetrucciStephanie RauxWilliam Ma
Madeline SkarasJoshua TranJayde ViccarsNathan Ponton

Award Winners

Waverley scooped the pool in Awards.

Wally Freeman AwardJoshua Tran

Pat Semmens/Angelo Cianchi Award:  Annabelle Andrinopoulos

13 & Under Girl:  Annabelle Andrinopoulos

13 & Under Boy:  Will Ma

15 & Under Girl:  Madeline Skaras

15 & Under Boy:  Joshua Tran

Holding the Pat Pearce Shield  and her Best 15&U Girl Trophy is Madeline Skaras.
With her Pat Semmens/Angelo Cianchi Trophy and Best 13&U Girl Trophy is Annabelle Andrinopoulos.
With the Pat Semmens/Angelo Cianchi Perpetual Shield and his Best 13&U Trophy is Will Ma.
With the Wally Freeman Trophy and Best 15&U Trophy is Joshua Tran.

Annabelle Andrinopoulos with her Pat Semmens/Angelo Cianchi Shield and Trophy and Best 13&U Girl Trophy

Back:  Omar Jasika   Annabelle Andrinopoulos   Rita Kaldawi   Binasa Beslagic  Taylor Petrucci   Stephen Kaldawi
Middle:  Pat Wright (Manager)   Lilyana Dragojevic   Joshua Tran   Natalia Draca   Robert Hilbig   Madeline Skaras  Lachlan Gillespie  Brian Hovey (Manager)  Len Pratt (Manager)
Front:  Matthew Nickels   Belinda Woolcock   Alex Ilia   Dejan Erakovic   Alana Parnaby   Daniel White   Renee Tsongas
Absent:  Elizabeth Kalyvas   Karen Butler (Manager)   Alex Tran (Manager)  

Girls 15 & UnderBoys 15 & UnderGirls 13 & UnderBoys 13 & Under
Binasa BeslagicDejan ErakovicAnnabelle AndrinopoulosAlex Ilia
Natalia DracaLachlan GillespieLilyana DragojevicOmar Jasika
Elizabeth KalyvasRobert HilbigRita KaldawiStephen Kaldawi
Madeline SkarasMatthew NickelsAlana ParnabyTaylor Petrucci
Renee TsongasDaniel WhiteBelinda WoolcockJoshua Tran

Award Winners

Pat Semmens/Angelo Cianchi Award:  Joshua Tran

13 & Under Girl:  Belinda Woolcock

13 & Under Boy:  Joshua Tran