Useful Information

All club officials and players should note that this information should be used in conjunction with the By-Laws of the Tennis Association.

A Club may request a change to the playing order only up to Round 10. No changes are permitted during the Finals series.

The choice of ends and the choice to be server or receiver in the first game shall be decided by toss before the warm-up starts. The player/team who wins the toss may choose:

  1. To be server or receiver in the first game of the match, in which case the opponent(s) shall choose the end of the court for the first game of the match; or
  2. The end of the courts for the first game of the match, in which case the opponent(s) shall choose to be server or receiver of the first game of the match; or
  3. To require the opponent(s) to make one of the above choices.

All Saturday Junior matches shall commence at 8:15 a.m. (8:30 a.m. Sunday) and all Senior matches shall commence at 1:00 p.m.

Actual starting times (not the start of the initial hit-up) and finishing times are to be recorded on the scoresheets.

Commencing times for the Mid-Week Men's Competitions is 9:30 a.m.

No alcoholic drinks are to be consumed by players at Waverley match venues until such players have completed all matches in which they are involved.

At the completion of the home and away matches, the four leading teams in an 8-team section and the top three teams in a 6-team section shall play off in a final series. All conditions relating to these matches are covered by By-Law 24. In 4 team sections, the final shall be between first and second teams only.

Club Secretaries will be advised via the Waverley Tennis Website where their Club's teams are to play and of matches to be held on their Club's courts. Individual players should direct their enquiries to their Club's Secretary in preference to Association's Officers.

The home club MUST provide a Supervisor for each home match, who is not a member of any participating team on the day. (Ref By-Law 17 (b)).

The use of Substitute Players in Final Series matches must be strictly in accordance with By-Law 15. In cases of doubt, contact the Association Secretary or any other member of the Waverley Match Committee for advice and/or decision.

All players shall have a personal grading of A, A Reserve, B Special, B, C Special, C, D Special, or D. This grading will be retained from season to season, unless changed by Club selectors or the Tennis Association, and subsequently ratified by the Tennis Association.

Teams as submitted will be graded by the Match Committee into similarly named gradings.

A 10 minute suspension of play is allowed in the case of accidental injury.

When competing in Senior Competition Junior players may play 2 grades below their Junior personal grading, for example, A Res graded Junior player may play B Grade Senior level. Please note the Senior Match Committee will monitor such players to ensure that they are not strengthening the team.

Match results are to be entered on line by the Home Club by 5:30 p.m.on the Tuesday following the match.

For last round, and for Semi and Preliminary Finals match results must be entered by 8 p.m. on the Sunday on the weekend, to assist with preparation of finals draws.

Where non-attendance at a match is agreed to due to inclement weather or heat out, both teams must enter their player lists via the By Ph feature on the Waverley Tennis Club Zone website.

For home team forfeits, the away team use the "By Ph" feature to enter forfeit, and include all player names. A forfeit is a qualifying game only for non-forfeiting team.

Match scoresheets must be retained by Home Clubs for the entire season and supplied to the record secretary upon request.

Failure to supply requested scoresheets promptly can result in a loss of points and/or fine.

Duplicate advices of results supplied within 24 hours of request will not incur loss of all points scored by the HOME TEAM. (By-Law 22 LATE RESULTS).

For Junior matches Home Clubs are encouraged to provide light food and refreshments. For Senior matches home teams are required to provide adequate afternoon tea for all participants.

When competing in Senior Competition, such players may not play below A Reserve level without prior Match Committee approval.

All Clubs should have access to an up to date copy of the Rules of Tennis as approved by Tennis Australia.

In Senior competition, Singles/Doubles will be available in certain grades each season on Saturday afternoons.

Teams shall be graded on the strongest nominated player.

Eligibility: No player may play below his approved grade (unless such player has been approved to play as a permanent player in a lower graded team). Once a player plays more than three matches in any team, that player cannot play for another team in a lower grade, or lower section within grade, without prior permission of the Match Committee.

Emergency registrations of players may be made by filling in the necessary particulars on the scoresheets refer to By-Law 11 for full details. No phone emergency registration will be permitted or accepted.

As covered by By-Law 19; regulation tennis attire shall be worn at all matches. Refer to Dress and Equipment Regulations.

For all Senior matches, 4 new balls, for all Junior matches, 2 new and 2 good used balls. Refer By-Law 18 for full details.

A 12 point tie breaker is played by all Senior and Junior teams (except D Grade) at 6 games all in any set. A Match tie breaker is used to decide the third set of “Best of 2” rubbers. Both tie breakers are conducted as per these instructions.

A club which uses an Outside Venue must ensure that the visiting club is notified no later than the Wednesday prior to the match.

Helpful Hints for Parents

This is an online version of the guide distributed to clubs, and also available as an A4 download from the Publications page.

As a Parent/Carer you and your child have entered your player in a Waverley Tennis Junior competition. There are a number of responsibilities associated with this commitment.

  1. For Saturday morning competition, your player should be in attendance by 8 a.m., Sunday mornings by 8:15 a.m.
  2. Should your player be unavailable for any reason your club Junior Convenor should be advised at the earliest possible time so that a replacement/emergency can be arranged. This often isn’t easy. Please remember that your club will be fined should the team have to forfeit! Please also be aware that if a team forfeits 3 times in a season it will be withdrawn from the current competition.
  3. Should a player be very late the opposition team may claim the first set to nil.
  4. Your club will have its own arrangements in place for away matches. Please make sure that you are aware of them.
  5. Most clubs tend to appoint a parent/carer of each team as a team manager to liase with the other parents/carers of the team members in the team and to arrange team and driving rosters for away matches. On arrival at an away venue the team manager should advise the duty supervisor that all team members are present, find out which courts are being used and make sure that players are entered on the score sheets in the correct order, and, most importantly, that the first and last names of all players are clearly readable.
  6. Some clubs, due to a large number of teams, are required to use outside venues (i.e. venues at other clubs). You need to check with your club Junior Convenor as to whether this situation will affect each week’s match.
  7. Inclement weather. Unless you are advised otherwise by your Club Junior Convenor, all players should attend, whether at home or away.
  8. It is the responsibility of the Duty Supervisor at the Venue Club to decide as to whether or not courts are playable, and matches cannot be called a washout unless the Duty Venue Supervisor has signed the scoresheets accordingly.
  9. It is not up to parents/carers to decide that it is too wet to play.
  10. At least one responsible adult/parent of the away team must be in attendance at all times during away matches and stay until all players are collected when the match is finished.

Unlike some other sports there are clear rules and regulations that apply to parent involvement in tennis. Many of our parents/carers are new to the sport and the following is a list of the most important rules and regulations.

  1. Coaching or communication in any form while a player is involved on court in either a set or rubber is strictly a no no.
  2. Assisting players, in any way, to call lines, keep score, or any other involvement in the match, is not allowed.
  3. No parent/carer or other player is allowed on the court while a match is in progress.
    1. The duty supervisor, or their authorised representative, may be on court to supervise when required.
    2. In the case of “D” grade (basically beginners) the Duty Supervisor may appoint someone to assist the players if necessary. This sometimes needs to happen when first time players are at the beginning of a new season.
  4. There is no problem reminding players to call the score after each point, however, it should be a reminder only and not provide the score.
  5. If as a parent/carer you are concerned with any on court or off court activity, such as parental involvement of your player’s opponents, you should bring the problem to the attention of the Venue Supervisor for action. You must not try to handle it yourself.
  6. Please feel free to encourage all players from both teams and always remember the children, particularly at the lower levels, are learning.
  7. Finally, encourage but don’t criticise (e.g. clapping faults), as the latter will kill a player’s enthusiasm quicker than anything else and ultimately turn them away from the sport.

There are clear channels for the above. All disputes/ queries that need the attention of Waverley Tennis must be submitted through your club. Your club Convenor knows the procedure.

As an Association we are involved with over 100 clubs and somewhere around 1000 teams each week. As a result we cannot accept phone calls and emails from individual players or parents/carers. In most cases queries can and will be satisfied at club level. If it is a problem a club can’t handle they know whom to contact at Association level to obtain an answer.

Please remember that your Club Officials and Waverley Tennis Officials are all volunteers that willingly give up their time and use their expertise to provide your players with the opportunity to play competition tennis. If you have the opportunity to meet them please show them the respect they deserve for doing what is sometimes a very difficult job.

Guidelines for Junior Venue Supervisors

This is an online version of the guide distributed to clubs, and also available as an A4 download from the Publications page.

Unless previously advised otherwise by your home club Junior Convenor, all players should be at your match venue 15 minutes prior to the starting time for warm up to enable matches to start on time (Sat 8:15 a.m., Sun 8:30 a.m.).

Complaints regarding players or conduct of matches must be forwarded to your club convenor for action. The Association will not accept complaints direct from players or parents.

For your convenience, there is a printable fixture available from the Waverley website which lists all of your team’s matches together with venue details and convenor contacts should you have issues arriving on time.

To download and print the details for your team, go to From the top bar select “Fixtures” then from the drop down menus select Season and Day, Section and then your team.

Download the PDF then print.

It is the venue supervisor’s decision as to when matches are declared a washout, taking into account court and weather conditions. No players are to leave the venue until the venue supervisor advises a washout and initials the scorebook.

Any team that leaves prior to this shall be deemed as forfeiting the match.

Should there be a chance of recovering the courts for play it is expected that all able-bodied persons should help with this task.

A reasonable time is allowed for treatment of injuries or illness (usually around 15 minutes).

There is a 30 minute timeline for a team to find a replacement player if necessary. The 30 minutes starts from when the injury occurred.

In doubles and triples matches if a team is a player short the remaining team members must play all sets possible. (the remaining sets are lost 6-0)

Forfeiting with one player short is not acceptable.

If only one player is present, this does not constitute a team and all sets shall be forfeited to the oppostion team.

It is mandatory that a responsible adult/parent from each team is in attendance for the duration of all matches to handle any unexpected injury or illness of players.

Under no circumstances are Parents/Supporters to coach or communicate with players, in any way, while sets are in progress.

PLEASE NOTE: Where there are concerns regarding coaching and undue involvement these should be referred to the venue supervisor for monitoring and action where needed. It is the player’s responsibility to make line calls and keep score etc.

In D grade where there are often numerous young and new players it is acceptable for parents/supporters to remind players to make their calls of both lines and scores loud and clear (the latter prior to the next serve).

In some instances at the start of a new season, if the players are struggling with keeping score and knowing which side to serve from etc., the venue supervisor should be approached to provide an experienced person to go on court and help the players. Others ways in which parents/supporters can help are as follows:

  1. Encouraging players to pick up both balls prior to serving.
  2. Allowing obvious faults to go to the fence (not hitting them back).
  3. Discouraging players from running on the next court to collect balls while a point in the next door match is in progress.
  4. On red porous courts with young/new players, they should be encouraged to bag the courts at the end of each set from fence to fence, however, it is very helpful if adults can water courts from fence to fence and sweep lines when necessary.
  5. It is not permissible for parents, players or siblings to be on court or in umpire’s chairs while a match is in progress.
  6. Parents/Supporters should always encourage good shots, good rallies and good sportsmanship.

When teams are entered for competition club convenors nominate an order of play for each player in the team (strongest to weakest). Team managers need to be aware of this, and ensure that players participate in the correct order.

Loss of points apply if a player participates out of order. This is done to ensure that the strongest players play each other.

After 3 or 4 matches if a team manager feels that the playing order should be revised to allow for fairer play, this can be done by the club Junior Convenor requesting this revision to the appropriate Record Secretary.

It is important that match results are forwarded promptly to whoever is responsible at your club to enable all results to be entered on time.

Record Secretaries give their time on a voluntary basis to produce results in a timely manner and should not need to chase down missing results.

Guidelines to By-Laws

This text is from the Junior Tennis "Guidelines to By-Laws" A4 booklet distributed to all clubs. A PDF version is also available as an A4 download from the Publications page.

In order to ensure the smooth running of Junior matches, Waverley Tennis imposes a number of automatic fines for various offences.

The most significant issues of which venue supervisors are to be aware are the following:

  • Late result entry;
  • Incomplete results (with significant details missing);
  • Failure to provide timely advice to visiting team(s) of the use of outside court(s);
  • Team forfeit;
  • Failure to provide appropriate Junior supervision at home matches and during final series.

A player receives any type of coaching from any person while a match is in progress, except where special provision is made for a tournament/competition. Communication of any kind, audible or visible between a player and any other person may be construed as coaching. Coaching shall be permitted where there is an off-court break between sets or during interruptions to play caused by bad weather or light where players leave the court. Coaching is not permitted while a court is being serviced at the end of or during a set and players are still on court, or during a toilet break.

Off-court involvements

  • Players should not enlist the aid of spectators, including parents, coaches, etc., in making line calls, or attempting to determine other on-court matters.

“D” Grade Junior Matches

  • In “D” Grade Junior Matches, home clubs should provide an additional supervisor(s) for the home and away matches, who may be positioned on court to assist the players in the conduct of the match. If an on-court supervisor is in place, this supervisor shall not provide any coaching tips or instructions to any of the players, but is there to advise on the rules of the game, scoring and other matters pertaining to tennis etiquette.

A player who is used to fill a team vacancy, when a regular player is unavailable, is referred to as an “emergency player” and may be substituted only from a lower graded team, i.e. can only “play-up”.

In addition, the emergency player may come from the club’s emergency list and have appropriate “Waverley Personal Grading”, or may transfer from equivalent grade within the Junior Competition, e.g., may transfer from “C” Grade (1) Mixed to “C” Grade (1) Boys Section to fill a vacancy on the day.

Any other situations concerning the use of emergency players require prior approval from the Match Committee of Waverley Tennis.

If using an emergency player from Saturday competition in Sunday competition, and vice-versa, the full history of that player, including birthdate, must be included in emergency details.

Scoresheets shall be filled in progressively on the completion of each set played to avoid disputation over scores at the end of the match.

After the final set, the home team captain shall total the match points and both team captains shall sign the scoresheet to indicate that all match information is correct. This scoresheet then becomes the official record of the match and serves as the Waverley Tennis record for points allocation, player’s eligibility, and so on.

“Waverley Personal Gradings” are not to be shown on Junior result scoresheets, except in the case of new emergencies, where all personal details MUST be shown, this includes personal grade as allocated by the Club, date of birth and previous playing experience. This is done by completing the emergency details section at the bottom of the scoresheet. Each column of this registration must be filled in, and entered by the home team online, in full.

The home team’s club is responsible for entering each match result online through the Waverley Tennis Club Zone website by 5:30 p.m. on the Tuesday following the day of the match.

Where non-attendance at a match is agreed to due to inclement weather, the home club must enter the result by using the “By Phone” feature on Club Zone. Washed out matches do not qualify towards eligibility for Finals.

For Finals matches, see By-laws 17 and 24 for ruling practices.

Where there is an injury it should be noted on the scoresheet and entered online as it then becomes a record should an insurance claim be made in due course.


General GuidelinesRefer to FINALS PROCEDURE which is always printed near the back of each Season’s Official Handbook and Fixture and available on website.
EligibilityRefer By-law 11e
Captains “exchange of players” namesRefer By-law 13
Umpires/SupervisorsRefer By-law 17
“D” Grade Junior Matches (Supervisor on court)Refer By-law 17
BallsRefer By-law 18
Match scoresheets (entering results online)Refer By-law 19
Incomplete MatchesRefer By-law 23
Final Series (General Conditions of Play)Refer By-law 11e
Substitutes During MatchRefer By-law 15
Late-Finishing MatchesRefer By-law 16
Court/Weather ConditionsRefer By-law 14

The server shall not infringe against the “Rules of Tennis” throughout the delivery of the service. (Rule 18).

When intervention by a venue supervisor is sought, the venue supervisor must firstly closely observe the player’s action and be absolutely satisfied that the player in question is infringing. The venue supervisor should then:

  1. Warn the player that he/she is foot faulting and advise of the nature of the foot fault, e.g., standing with a foot on the baseline before hitting the ball, or standing with a foot on the baseline while serving.
  2. Such warning should be done as discreetly as possible at a changeover of ends or at the conclusion of a set or match.
  3. The player should be monitored to ensure that every effort is being made to correct the foot faulting and if the foot faulting persists the warning may need to be repeated at a subsequent changeover of ends or at the conclusion of a set or match.

The player must receive the benefit of the doubt in all cases.

For home and away matches, the following applies:

  • Junior Singles/Doubles Rubbers
    • Each rubber is based on the best of two sets, if the match is at 1 set all, a match tiebreaker is to be played, that is, the first team to 10 points with a margin of 2 points. (see By-law 29 for details of the tiebreaker system of scoring).
  • Saturday/Sunday Morning “Triples” Singles/Doubles
    • Each set is won by the first team to win 6 games in any set, except that the team must win by a margin of at least 2 games over the opposing team. In the event that the score reaches 6 games all, and except in “D” Grade matches, a 12 point tiebreaker shall be played to decide the winner of the set (see By-law 29 for details of the tiebreaker system of scoring).
      NOTE: Tie-breakers at six games all will apply to all Grades except “D” Grade.
  • Winning team
    • On completion of the morning’s play, the winner is declared as the team with the most rubbers/sets won. If sets are equal, the team winning the most games is declared the winner.

For Final series matches only.

There must be a winner of each Finals match, and the following applies in the event of a draw:

  • All Triples formats
    • In the event of a draw, the last four doubles players listed on the scoresheet shall play a 12 point tiebreaker to decide the winning team (ref. By- law 24e for further information).

Waverley Tennis expects that all Junior teams shall have a rostered parent or adult in attendance with each team throughout the morning’s play at all home and away matches. (See also under “POLICIES”).

The supervision requirements for home clubs are covered under By-law 17.

All players that have competed in the Waverley Tennis Junior Competition will have been given a “Waverley Personal Grading”.

It is the responsibility of the individual clubs to monitor their own player records as detailed on the website.

Players must not leave a venue, for safety and security reasons, prior to the completion of their match. By “playing venue” it is meant the courts, clubhouse and precincts of the club. Players who requested to leave early by a parent or parents must seek prior permission from the venue supervisor before leaving the venue.

Junior players should also be reminded by venue supervisors that they must be ready to commence play within 10 minutes of the completion of the previous set, otherwise they run the risk of forfeiting their next set. In applying this By-law (By-law 12), matches are to be considered as being played on one court only, regardless of the availability of a second court.

Venue supervisors need to exercise reasonable care of all Junior players whilst such players are under their care and supervision and the foregoing provisions must be strictly enforced at each playing venue where Waverley Tennis conducts Junior tennis matches. Failure to maintain or restore discipline at a playing venue may also substantiate a breach of the standard of care which venue supervisors have to show in the conduct of their duties.

Clubs using “Outside Courts” must also observe these matters.

All matches are played in accordance with the “Rules of Tennis”, as issued with the approval of Tennis Australia. All clubs should have a copy of the “Rules of Tennis” prominently displayed and available in their clubhouses.

In particular, the following should be noted:

  • Net Interference

    When attempting to play a shot, if any part of the player’s body, clothing or racquet comes in contact with the court net, or the ground within his opponent’s court, then the point is lost, irrespective of where the ball lands. (Rule 24g).

    • Out of Court

      If the ball in play touches the player or anything that the player wears or carries prior to the ball landing outside the court lines, no matter how obvious the ball appears to be out, then the point is lost. (Rule 24i).

      • Ball left on Court

        If a first serve ball is out but remains on court and the second serve ball strikes the ball lying on the court, play must continue. If the second serve ball becomes unplayable due to striking the first ball, then the point is lost by the receiver as the receiver should have cleared the first ball from the court. (Rule 25f).

        • Catching of Ball

          If the ball was certainly going out of court and a player standing outside the court volleys the ball or catches it in his/her hand, then the point is lost (the player cannot claim the point, the ball must be allowed to actually bounce outside the court lines). (Rule 24f).

          • Underarm Service

            Players may serve underarm if having difficulties using normal serving techniques, but the practice is not encouraged (may be appropriate if the player is injured or if a player is just learning the game and playing in the lower competition grades).

            Copies of the “Rules of Tennis” are available from the Waverley Tennis website.

            Waverley Tennis requires players from both the home team and the visiting team to assist in the bagging, watering and sweeping of lines on red porous tennis courts at the completion of each set played.

            In the event of inclement weather it is expected that players and parents from both competing teams will assist with preparing the courts ready for play (ref. By-law 14f).

            The home team shall provide balls of a brand approved by Tennis Australia, refer Tennis Australia website.

            Each home team shall provide a minimum of two (2) new tennis balls and two (2) good used balls per match for each morning’s play.

            In the final series each home team shall provide four (4) new tennis balls for each final series match.

            In all “D” Grade matches low-compression green dot tennis balls must be used.

            To ensure that all players play against players of similar ability in their singles and as a result have enjoyable matches, it is important that the order of play be applied to all matches.

            In all Waverley Junior competitions where a “singles match” is part of the format, it is a requirement that the strongest singles player must play in the number 1 position and the weakest player must play in the number 2/3 position, depending on the format.

            When teams are entered for the season the club and club coach will assess the ability of all players and then enter them in playing order to meet the above requirement.

            This must be strictly adhered to and will be closely monitored by the Association Junior Record Secretary. If the order of play is ignored points will be deducted for breaches of this requirement (after an initial warning).

            Club Junior Conveners should review each player’s statistics at least midway through each season and adjust the order of play, if appropriate, by requesting the change of the appropriate Association Record Secretary.

            “D” Grade and “D” Special Only

            Your Association understands that with new teams and younger players in these sections the order of play entered is at best an “educated guess”. During the season young players are often improving at different rates due to their maturing, both mentally and physically, and this can raise the need for an adjustment of the order of play to meet the Association order of play requirements.

            In these two grades points will not be removed for incorrect order of play as we wish to encourage clubs to change order of play to accommodate changing player abilities as the season progresses. This, however, should not be seen as an opportunity to change the playing order to gain an advantage over an opposition team. Playing order will still be monitored.

            The primary object in all lower grades should be to encourage enjoyable competition for all players, thus ensuring their continued participation at competition, club and coaching levels. If they don’t have a good experience they will take up another sport!

            Where clubs field more teams than they have available home courts, or elect to use additional courts for whatever reason, arrangements to use alternative club courts are made. Such courts are referred to as “Outside Courts”. Regular “Outside Court” usage by a team is nominated in the Waverley Tennis Handbook and Fixture. Visiting clubs should make themselves aware of such arrangements in order to avoid incurring a late start penalty.

            When arrangements are made to use “Outside Courts” on an irregular basis, the home club must advise the visiting club by no later than the Wednesday prior to the match.

            Clubs using “Outside Courts” must provide an additional senior member to act as a supervisor at the “Outside Court” venue(s) in use.

            NOTE: “Tennis Australia’s Tennis Etiquette & Rules for Non-Umpired Matches” is published in the Waverley Tennis Handbook, copies of the “Rules of Tennis” are available from the Waverley Tennis website and all Tennis Clubs should have a copy on display in their clubhouses.

            • Cannot agree on point score in a game or on game score

              If players cannot agree on the score, they should calmly discuss the points/games that are the areas of disagreement. If they cannot reach agreement they should replay only the points or games in question. All points or games which the players agree on stand, e.g. 2 players cannot agree on whether the score is 40-15 or 30-30, but agree on the winner of the 1st, 2nd and 4th points. Therefore only the 3rd point needs to be replayed.

              To minimise the possibility of “forgetting the score” and to avoid any disputation and controversy over the score, the server should announce the game score before starting a game and the point score prior to serving for each point. If in disagreement, the receiving player(s) should query the score prior to the serve proceeding.

              • Serving from wrong court

                The point stands as played and the next service should be from the correct station according to the score. In other words, all play resulting from such wrong service or services shall stand, but the inaccuracy of station shall be corrected immediately it is discovered. (Rules 9a & 11). In adjusting to the correct station it will mean serving twice from the same side. Similar arrangements apply to the 12 point tiebreaker (see Rule 27b iii).

                • Serving out of turn in singles

                  If a player serves out of turn, the player who ought to have served shall serve as soon as the mistake is discovered, but all points scored before such discovery shall stand. A fault served before such discovery shall not stand. If a game shall have been completed before such a discovery, the order of service shall remain as altered. (Rule 15).

                  • Serving out of turn in doubles

                    If a partner serves out of his turn in doubles, the partner who ought to have served shall serve as soon as the mistake is discovered, but all points scored, and any fault served before such discovery, shall be counted. If a game shall have been completed before such discovery, the order of service remains as altered. (Rule 37).

                    • Serving from wrong end

                      If a mistake is made and players have not followed the correct practice in respect to changing ends, i.e., the correct sequence has not been followed, the players must take up their correct station as soon as the discovery is made and follow their original sequence. (Rule 16). It is the responsibility of all players to be aware of:

                          1. who should be serving,
                          2. from which court and
                          3. from which end.
                    • Line dispute

                      Each player is responsible for all decisions in his/her half of the court. If in doubt, give your opponent the benefit of the doubt and play the ball as good. A let should not be played in cases of doubt. (Refer to Tennis Etiquette, Rules for Non-Umpired Matches).

                      The call made has to be accepted. Players are prohibited from checking the mark of the ball on their opponent’s side of the court, unless invited by their opponents to do so. Ball mark inspections are only permitted on red porous tennis courts.

                      Where players are dissatisfied with the line calling of their opponents, the venue supervisor should be requested to observe the play, or, with the agreement of the opponent(s) team, appoint an umpire to act as the Chair Umpire for the remainder of the match. The Chair Umpire should call the score according to the “Rules of Tennis”.

                      Where a player becomes indisposed (ill) during a match, or is prevented through injury or illness from continuing the match, all remaining games of the incomplete set/rubber shall be forfeited.

                      A substitute shall be allowed to take the place of any player who is prevented from completing the match. A team requiring a substitute player shall be allowed thirty (30) minutes, from the time of the occurrence of the event which led to the need for a substitute, to arrange such a player to be in attendance and on court ready to play.

                      Play shall never be suspended, delayed or interfered with for the purpose of enabling a player to recover his/her strength, breath or physical condition. However, in the case of accidental injury, a one-time three (3) minute suspension of play may be allowed for that injury. (Rule 29c).

                      The venue supervisor may allow a one-time three (3) minute suspension for that injury with the option of extending this to not more than ten (10) minutes at his/her discretion.

                      Where a player is clearly suffering from cramps, or heat related illness, he/she must be provided with immediate assistance, however, the foregoing would apply.

                      In the event of an injury, this should be noted in the “Comments” section of the scoresheet and entered online with the match result.


                      • No spectators should disrupt or interfere with a match. Where a match is being disrupted or interfered with, the venue supervisor must act and issue a warning to the spectators to ensure that any disruption ceases immediately and request the spectators to watch from a “suitable” distance. If the problem persists, the venue supervisor should prepare a full report of the incident and submit full details to Waverley Tennis within 3 days of the match.
                      • Under no circumstances can the players be penalised for the action of spectators in nonumpired Waverley Tennis Junior matches.
                      • The venue supervisor should advise the offending spectator(s) of his/her intention to submit a report to Waverley Tennis and then should remain visible and close by during the remainder of play of the set or match in question (and of the remaining morning’s play). If the latter is not possible, a substitute supervisor should be appointed to monitor proceedings and ensure that minimal interference occurs from off-court spectators.

                      This Code infringement is one of the most difficult for which officials can gain a positive response, but the outlined approach should be attempted in order to ensure the proper conduct of all Junior matches.

                      Venue Supervisor Responsibilities:

                      • Ensure venues are open at least 15 minutes prior to match starting time. Allocate courts, scorebooks and balls to teams.
                      • Actively monitor that all matches start on time and that time isn’t unnecessarily wasted between sets, particularly when using shared courts.
                      • Be available at all times to address any on-court issues or disputes that may arise. Venue supervisors should also monitor the involvement of parents/supporters and be aware that players should keep their own score and make their own line calls. Parents/supporters may remind players to do so but not do it for them.
                      • Under no circumstances is any form of coaching allowed while players are on court.
                      • In “D” grade matches only, and if requested, provide an independent adult supervisor to go on court to assist the players.
                      • In the case of inclement weather Venue Supervisors have sole responsibility for declaring the cessation of play taking into account current court conditions, the potential for further weather events and the capacity to restore courts in time to complete matches. At all times the safety of players should be paramount! Waverley Tennis endorses and abides by the Tennis Australia “Extreme Weather Policy” which can be found at
                      • At the conclusion of the morning’s play Venue Supervisors should ensure that a responsible adult remains on site until all players are safely collected.

                      Team Manager Responsibilities:

                      • Home and Away Matches: Players MUST arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the match starting time. Away teams should announce their arrival to the venue Supervisor. Fill in player names in score book in correct order of play noting any emergency players complete with any previous playing history and date of birth (this is Important!). Collect balls and take players to their allocated courts.
                      • If using red porous courts organise sweeping of lines before the start of each set and water these courts during hot weather. (Players should be encouraged to bag and water the courts from fence to fence).
                      • Ensure that initial hit up is kept to 5 minutes.
                      • Under no circumstances should parents/supporters make line calls, call the score or coach players while they are on court! Should this be apparent the venue supervisor should be advised and asked to take the appropriate action. Team Managers should not try to resolve these issues themselves as this can lead to further conflict.
                      • In “D” Grade matches only, (particularly early in the season) if needed an experienced adult may be positioned on court to assist the players in the smooth running of matches. HOWEVER this must be requested from, then organised by, the Venue Supervisor.
                      • On days of doubtful weather teams must attend both home and away match venues unless advised otherwise by their home club Junior Convener. At all times the Home venue supervisor shall have sole discretion as to when washouts are declared. A team leaving without the permission of the venue supervisor may be declared as having “forfeited” their match. Parents and supporters of both teams should be prepared to assist in the restoration of courts to a playable state if needed.
                      • It is expected that Team Managers of away teams will remain at their match venue until the players have completed their mornings play as home clubs cannot be held responsible for any treatment required for injuries or illness that might occur during the morning for visiting players.

                      Players need to be able to present themselves for commencement of play in appropriate tennis attire, including shorts/skirts and suitable footwear that will not damage the playing surface, to avoid the danger of forfeiting the first set.

                      Players are ONLY permitted to wear additional suitable clothing (e.g. track-suit pants or warm-up pants) for warmth when weather conditions dictate.

                      For up to date information on correct clothing and footwear refer to By-law 19 in current Handbook.

                      At all times, common sense should prevail in the adjudication of what is acceptable or unacceptable tennis attire, i.e. what a reasonable person would consider as suitable tennis attire in a particular circumstance, yet upholding the defined and desired standards set down in this area for the game of tennis.

                      The venue supervisor shall adjudicate on all issues pertaining to tennis attire.

                      It is essential that play commences at 8:15 a.m. Saturday, 9:00 a.m. Sunday (after “hit-up”) in order to ensure that all sets are completed during the morning’s play. The “hit-up” should be completed prior to the commencement time. Players arriving late are not entitled to a “hit-up”. The complete team must be in attendance by 9:30 a.m. Saturday, 9:40 a.m. Sunday, otherwise the match is forfeited by the defaulting team.

                      When players arrive later than 8:30 a.m. Saturday, 9:15 a.m. Sunday, the home club must make a decision to play the first set or to claim a forfeit. Alternatively, the home club may choose to advise the visiting players that the first set will only be played after all other sets have been completed and, if unable to be completed, then they will be required to forfeit that set or any unfinished games. If the home club is at fault, the reverse shall apply.

                      All clubs are advised by Waverley Tennis that it is in the interest of both the players and the sport that all sets are played and that results are not obtained simply by forfeit.

                      All play shall cease at 12:15 p.m. Saturday, 12:30 p.m. Sunday. If in the middle of a set, the game that is in progress shall be completed, but not the set. This requirement must be strictly enforced at all venues.

                      The second set listed on the scoresheet is permitted a small hit-up in Junior matches, afterwards no other hit-ups are to be allowed.

                      Parents are encouraged to assist in the bagging, watering and sweeping of lines.

                      A player shall not, during any match or at any other time within the venue engage in conduct to the prejudice of the image and integrity of tennis. Players shall at all times conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner and give due regard to the authority of officials and the rights of opponents, spectators and others. For the purposes of this policy, unsportsmanlike conduct is defined as any misconduct by a player, prior to, during or subsequent to a match that is clearly abusive or detrimental to the sport, including, but not limited to blatant cheating, but does not specifically fall within other violation categories.

                      Without limiting the foregoing any conduct that is disrespectful or offensive to a players opponents, or to Officials, Tournament Directors or competition managers, tournament staff, spectators or players on other courts is deemed to be Unsportsmanlike Conduct. This may include failure to return the ball appropriately to the server, inappropriate or unsportsmanlike comments or gestures (on court or on-site at a Tournament or within the precinct), sledging, intimidating, threatening or abusive acts or omissions (whether verbal, in writing or otherwise), overt celebrations consistently directed at opponents, excessive noise disrupting the Tournament Precinct, or any other unsportsmanlike acts or omissions that are inconsistent with commonly understood tennis etiquette.

                      Line Calling

                      Where a player is consistently making incorrect lines calls on a clay court resulting in numerous ball mark inspections or is constantly showing the incorrect ball mark in order to justify line calls on a clay court, or is consistently making incorrect line calls on any other court surface (i.e., hardcourt or artificial grass), the venue supervisor shall caution the player involved and advise that this practice can be deemed as Unsportsmanlike Conduct under this section - also see para below. Where a venue supervisor is in attendance, or has been called to a court to observe a player(s) reportedly making incorrect line calls, and clearly observes an incorrect line call (i.e., the ball is well out or well in), the venue supervisor should correct the line call and then allow play to continue.

                      In instances of the above occurring, the venue supervisor shall immediately issue a warning to the player to refrain from such unsatisfactory conduct. If the player persists with the unacceptable conduct, the player should be advised that an official complaint will be submitted to Waverley Tennis and the venue supervisor should fully report on the unsatisfactory conduct, in detail and provide a full account of any warnings issued, etc.

                      Under no circumstances should the offending player be made to forfeit points or games, or be defaulted from the match or the remaining morning’s play. Venue supervisors are not empowered to take on the role of a Referee, but must leave the handling of reports of violations of the Code of Behaviour and the determination of any appropriate penalties to the Waverley Tennis Complaints Subcommittee.

                      Venue supervisors should also be alert to a player making offensive or obscene gestures during any match, or within the precincts of the tournament site. For the purposes of this Rule, visible obscenity is defined as the making of signs by a player with his hands and/or racquet or balls that commonly have an obscene meaning or import to reasonable people (“Visible Obscenity”).

                      Although visiting teams should vacate the premises (courts and clubhouse) as soon as matches are completed, it shall be the responsibility of the home club to extend courtesy to visiting players and allow them to remain on the premises until they have appropriate transport to take them home.

                      Phone calls to parents may be necessary in some instances to ensure that visiting players are expediently collected from venues.

                      Players shall not at any time directly or indirectly verbally abuse any official, opponent, sponsor, spectator, or other person within the precincts of the tournament/competition site. For the purpose of this rule, verbal abuse is defined as a statement about an official, opponent, sponsor, spectator or other person that implies dishonesty or is derogatory, insulting, racially or otherwise abusive.

                      In the event of inappropriate language, the venue supervisor shall immediately issue a warning to the player to refrain from such language. If the player persists, the player should be advised that an official complaint shall be submitted to Waverley Tennis and the venue supervisor should report on the abusive/coarse language, quoting the actual word(s) used and a full account of any warnings issued.

                      Under no circumstances should the offending player be made to forfeit points or games, or be defaulted from the match or the remaining morning’s play. Venue supervisors are not empowered to take on the role of a Referee, but must leave the handling of reports of violations of the Code of Behaviour and the determination of any penalties to the Waverley Tennis Complaints Subcommittee.

                      In the event of inclement weather (wet, rainy or stormy/cyclonic), if Junior matches have not commenced by 9:45 a.m. Saturday, play shall be called off (read 10:15 a.m. for Sunday morning matches in the following section).

                      If a venue supervisor believes that play will be unable to commence by 9:45 a.m., a “wash-out” should be declared. “Wash-outs” should not to be declared too early, unless it is believed that the courts concerned would be unlikely to be ready for play by 9:45 a.m. even if the rain were to stop immediately.

                      At all times, the home club, represented by the venue supervisor, has the right to decide as to whether courts are fit for play.

                      No player shall leave the venue prior to authorisation by the venue supervisor or the rubbers/sets may be declared as a forfeit.

                      In the case of “wash-outs”, both team captains shall sign the scoresheet in the normal manner. Where it is obvious that play is unlikely to be commenced on a particular morning, a visiting team may phone the home club prior to departure to determine the possibility of play. If a “washout” is declared, then it is not necessary for the visiting team to attend the venue courts, however, the home team must enter the result on Club Zone website using the “By Phone” facility. Individual matches may be cancelled without teams attending the courts, if approved by the home venue supervisor, otherwise players must attend courts.

                      If play is stopped due to weather or court conditions, the venue supervisor must agree before the match is abandoned. However, if play has not resumed within one and a half hours after play ceases, then the remainder of sets shall be declared “washed out”.

                      Where the match is a wash-out, players do not receive accreditation for Finals matches.

                      Waverley Tennis expects that all Junior teams shall have a rostered parent or adult in attendance with each away team throughout the morning’s play. Visiting teams should not just be left at clubs to be picked up later.

                      Waverley Tennis endorses the Tennis Australia Extreme Weather Policy. Venue supervisors need to be aware that should lightning, thunder, smoke, wet weather or high winds be prevalent in the area the need to judge whether or not it is safe for play to proceed.

                      Waverley Tennis expects that all players and spectators shall respect the property and facilities of each Tennis Club, for example, not hitting the net or court, the correct use of rollers/scrapers, leaving the Clubhouse as it was found for incoming persons, and so on. Reports of misuse or abuse should be conveyed back to the management of the offending Tennis Clubs, or be reported to Waverley Tennis.

                      Waverley Tennis recommends that smoking in club premises and surrounds be discouraged, where this is not already banned by Council Laws. Compliance with the new smoking restrictions introduced from 1 September 2002, and subsequent bans, must be complied with at all times.

                      No alcohol shall be consumed by spectators for the duration or at the completion of all Junior matches.

                      Waverley Tennis expects that clubs provide sunscreen or players provide their own. All players are encouraged to wear caps or hats, particularly during the summer months, but encouraged to do so all year round.

                      Waverley Tennis recommends that parents provide the transport and that clubs should discuss their policy as relates to 18 year old “juniors” driving their fellow team members to junior matches.

                      The following are the Dress Regulations for Victorian Tennis Series, Association Competition and Tournament play in Victoria.

                      Players in Tennis Australia Group 1 & 2 Junior Points Tournaments must comply with Tennis Australia Dress Regulations.

                      Associations and Clubs may modify these conditions for local competition.

                      Every competitive player shall dress and present himself/herself for play in clean and customarily acceptable tennis attire.

                      Coloured recognised tennis garments and footwear may be worn. Specific non-tennis articles such as sweat shirts, dress shirts, tee shirts (mens must have a collar), Bermuda shorts, football shorts, board shorts and walk shorts shall not be worn by any player while competing in a match. Cycle shorts may be worn under tennis attire. Tracksuits may be worn at the discretion of the Referee or Association.

                      Suitable footwear for tennis matches shall be worn (depending on the type of surface) at the discretion of the Referee.

                      These must not exceed three square inches (19.5 square cm.), (see below). Clubs are permitted to have team or club identification on player’s clothing which may exceed these limitations with Tennis Victoria or Association approval.

                      This is the identification of the manufacturer and must not exceed three square inches (19.5 square cm. Except when manufacturer name is in the design on front of the shirt).

                      1. Shirts, sweaters, jackets
                        1. Sleeves
                          • One commercial identification on each sleeve
                          • One manufacturer’s standard logo on each sleeve
                        2. Front, Back & Collar
                          • One manufacturer’s logo
                          • One commercial identification of team or club sponsor
                        3. Sleeveless
                          • (Female only) Not sweater or jacket
                          • Two manufacturer’s logo
                          • One commercial identification of team or club sponsor
                      2. Skirts and shorts
                        • One manufacturer’s logo
                      3. Hat or Cap
                        • Must be a tennis hat or cap with manufacturer’s logo or manufacturer’s name

                      Players who do not comply with the dress regulations must be given the opportunity to change or alter their clothing (particularly before a match starts), prior to any action being taken under the Code of Conduct. Should this not occur the Code will be applied or the player must be reported to their Association or Tennis Victoria as the case may be.